i am
Project 1.0 is me coding this very page. I wanted to create a website where i could showcase all my projects.
Read moreThis is my first hobby project
The page is built with vanilla JS
Currently learning React and Tailwind too rebuild the site
Not quite sure what Project 2.0 will be about, but i will try to make an application that is useful for my daily needs.
Read moreCureently under construction
Exploring new languages and technologies
Maby I will utily the gigantic world of APIs?
University of Bergen | August 2021 - Present
The Bachelor's Degree included both the general Computer Science subjects offered by the University of Bergen, as well as a specialization in Computer Security.
Oslo Commerce School | August 2017 - June 2020
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Bymiljøetaten, Oslo Kommune | August 2021 - Present
Worked as a lifegurad at Frognerbadet durring summers. Learned basic HLR.
Utdanningsetatent | September 2020 - April 2021
Worked as a teaching assitant and a subtitue teacher at Toppåsen school.
Springbrettet | January 2022 - August 2022
Was responsible for the website for a student organisation called Springbrettet. Springbrettet host the biggest interdisciplinary career summit in west Norway. The website was created and hosted using squarespace.
Tekna | August 2021 - Present
Was responsible for courses and events for Tekna, amoung others crash course in computer science, avalanche course and social gatherings. Tekna is the largest Master's degree professional association in Norway, and the largest union in Akademikerne.
Committee of Company Presentation | August 2021 - June 2022
The student association Bedriftskomitéen mediates contact between students at the University of Bergen and the labor market.
Ung FinTech | January 2022 - Present
Ung FinTech is a student association that wants to create engagement within the intersection between informatics and finance.